Edit a Request


Contact your Finance Active consultant to enable your access to the Guarantor Portal module.


Navigate to the Guarantor Portal Dashboard
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account and select a customer account, if relevant.
  2. Navigate to Applications Applications.png > Guarantor Portal.


Edit a Request
  1. Use the search area or click a row in the table to open the details of the corresponding request.
  2. You can then perform the following actions:



Characteristics section

This section presents the main elements of the request submitted by the client.

Edit the data on the Characteristics section. To do so:

  1. Click the pencil icon.
  2. Edit the data on the accessible fields. The latter are underlined.
  3. Click Save.
  • No data can be edited in this section in the context of the amendment or the release request.
  • A description including a long character string without spaces may not be fully displayed.

Documents section

This section includes all the documents linked to the request and available for both the internal parties and the client.

Add documents to the request on the Documents section. To do so:

  1. Click Add document.
  2. Specify the fields on the popup window as follows:
    • Label: enter a label for the document
    • Type: select the type of document
    • Visibility: select the document visibility. The shared documents are visible by the client whereas the internal documents are only visible by the internal parties.
    • Description: enter a description for the document
  3. Browse a path to upload a file or drag-and-drop a file in the dedicated area.

    Note: The file size must not exceed 10 MB.

  4. When the uploaded document is in DOCX format, you can select the Collaborative option if you wish to allow all parties to update the content.
  5. Click Add.
  • A new shared document is instantly available to the client.
  • An antivirus analysis is performed on each new document. The Antivirus Status column displays the results of this analysis.

Download all the documents on the Documents section in a ZIP file by clicking on Download all.

Click a document in the list on the Documents section to get further information on a dedicated window. You can then:

  • get a preview of the document (except for documents in DOCX, XLSX and TXT formats)
  • view and edit the main characteristics. The updates can be tracked on the History panel.
  • when the collaborative mode has been enabled for a document in DOCX format, get a preview and update the content in a built-in text editor mode. It will then be possible to convert to PDF the updated version.

    Note: The document must be locked in the text editor before performing changes.

  • download the document (except for collaborative documents in SFDT format)


Any document on this section can be downloaded (except for collaborative documents in SFDT format and documents tagged as infected or in error by the antivirus analysis).

Any document shared by the client cannot be deleted (whether this document is in collaborative mode or not).

Any internal document can be deleted. The content of a collaborative internal document can be edited but only the characteristics of the non-collaborative internal document can be edited.

Any internal document can be shared.

You cannot delete or edit the characteristics of a non-collaborative document you added and shared to the client once the expected actions were performed and you reassigned the request to the client.

You can edit the content or delete a collaborative document you added and shared to the client at anytime.

Contacts section

This section shows the client contact information responsible for the request.

Comments icon

View and write internal and/or external comments related to the request in a thread.

The external comments are visible by the client whereas the internal comments are only visible by the internal parties which are allowed to access the request.

A red badge displays if there is at least one new unread comment.

History icon

Track the actions performed on the request.

Actions icon

Perform specific actions on the request's characteristics.

You can specify a new due date on a dedicated window when you have been assigned the Extend or Pay request by the client. An action is thus expected to update the status on this request.

You can edit the entity on a dedicated window if needed. This action is not available in the context of an Extend or Pay request assigned to the client.

You can edit the owner on a dedicated window if needed. This action will then allocate a new user to manage the request.

Status area

View the current status of the request.

Perform specific actions to update the status when needed (e.g. send back the request to the client to provide instructions, approve or reject the request).

For further information, see Status of the Guarantee/Amendment or Release Request Received from the Client and Status of the Extend or Pay Request Submitted to the Client.

Track the statuses reached by the request from its first receipt. Each update is timestamped.

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