Edit My User Email Address

As a Fairways Guarantees user, you can update your user email address.

Important: You can only update your email address if your user is associated with the right "USER MANAGEMENT". Contact your Finance Active administrator for further information.

Navigate to Your Account Preferences
  1. Log in to your Fairways Guarantees account.
  2. Open the side menu.


  1. Click Account > Preferences.



Edit Your Email Address
  1. Click Actions > Edit > Edit Email Address.


  1. Complete the form with all relevant details.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.




New email address.

Note : You cannot change an email address from a federated domain to a non-federated domain.

Confirm Email Address

New email address to confirm to avoid spelling mistakes.

  1. Click Validate.


Your new email address is now associated with your account. An informative notification is sent to your former email address, and a password reset request is sent to your new email address.


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