You can interact with Fairways Guarantees using application programming interfaces (APIs).
As a reminder, the list of the API endpoints is available from your platform by simply adding "/rest/documentation/" to the URL after the domain name (do not forget the final slash "/"), e.g.:
The following API endpoints have been added in Fairways Guarantees:
- PATCH /{tenant-code}/operations/{id}/linked-guarantees: Adds one or more guarantees to an operation without deleting the existing links to guarantees
- GET /{tenant-code}/counter-guarantees: Retrieves all the counter-guarantees. This endpoint has been implemented with filtering criteria created_since and modified_since.
- GET /{tenant-code}/purposes: Retrieves all the purposes
- GET /{tenant-code}/commitment-types: Retrieves all the types of commitment
- POST /{tenant-code}/guarantees: Adds a guarantee
The following API endpoint has been updated in Fairways Guarantees:
- GET /{tenant-code}/authorization: Retrieves all the authorizations. This endpoint has been enriched with field guarantee_ids.