You can interact with Fairways Guarantees using application programming interfaces (APIs).
As a reminder, the list of the API endpoints is available from your platform by simply adding "/rest/documentation/" to the URL after the domain name (do not forget the final slash "/"), e.g.:
The following API endpoints have been added in Fairways Guarantees:
- GET /{tenant-code}/users: Retrieves a list of users
- PUT /{tenant-code}/guarantees/{id}: Updates the status of a given guarantee to Effective or Closed. When the status is updated to Effective, the effective date and the guarantor identifier are also updated. When the status is updated to Closed, the release date is also updated.
- POST /{tenant-code}/guarantees/{id}/amount-evolution: Adds or edits the amount evolution (amount increase or partial release) of a given guarantee.
The following API endpoint have been updated in Fairways Guarantees:
- GET /{tenant-code}/guarantees: Retrieves all the guarantees. The response has been enriched with fields date and amount to retrieve the amount evolution for each guarantee.
- GET /{tenant-code}/guarantees/{id}: Retrieves a given guarantee. The response has been enriched with fields date and amount to retrieve the amount evolution.
- GET /{tenant-code}/third-parties: Retrieves all the third parties. This endpoint has been enriched with the filtering criterion modified_since.