2024/06/12 - Fairways Guarantees - Public REST APIs Update

You can interact with Fairways Guarantees using application programming interfaces (APIs).

As a reminder, the list of the API endpoints is available from your platform by simply adding "/rest/documentation/" to the URL after the domain name (do not forget the final slash "/"), e.g.: https://fwg.financeactive.eu/rest/documentation/

The following API endpoints have been added in Fairways Guarantees:

The following API endpoint have been updated in Fairways Guarantees:

  • GET /{tenant-code}/guarantees: Retrieves all the guarantees. The response has been enriched with fields date and amount to retrieve the amount evolution for each guarantee.
  • GET /{tenant-code}/guarantees/{id}: Retrieves a given guarantee. The response has been enriched with fields date and amount to retrieve the amount evolution.
  • GET /{tenant-code}/third-parties: Retrieves all the third parties. This endpoint has been enriched with the filtering criterion modified_since.
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