Associate Bank Accounts with a Transaction

Associate bank accounts with transactions in Fairways FX to monitor transfers and record your transaction history.




Navigate to Portfolio
  1. Log in to your Fairways FX account and select an account, if relevant.


  1. Navigate to Portfolio.



Associate Bank Accounts with a Transaction
  1. Click the relevant transaction to open its profile.


  1. Click Actions > Edit > Update Bank Accounts.


  1. Complete the form with all relevant details.



Bank Account Mode

Note: This field is only available for swaps. The standard mode automatically applies to all the other transactions.

Select the count of bank accounts to associate:

  • Standard:
      • 1 bank account for the base currency
      • 1 bank account for the consolidation currency
  • Advanced:
      • 1 bank account for the spot leg in the base currency
      • 1 bank account for the spot leg in the consolidation currency
      • 1 bank account for the forward leg in the base currency
      • 1 bank account for the forward leg the consolidation currency
Bank Account in [Base Currency]

Note: Only bank accounts matching the party, the counterparty, and the currency of the transaction display.

Bank account to associate in the base currency.

Bank Account in [Consolidation Currency]

Note: Only bank accounts matching the party, the counterparty, and the currency of the transaction display.

Bank account to associate in the consolidation currency.

  1. Click Validate.


The selected bank accounts are associated with the transaction.

  1. Click a bank account to open its profile.


The associated transaction displays in the bank account profile.


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