Associate a Notification Template with a Document Type

Once defined, a notification template must be associated with a document type. This configuration enables users to receive the email notification when such documents are uploaded.

Note: Only administrators can manage notification templates.


  1. Contact your Finance Active consultant to enable the Documents application.
  2. Create a Document Type.
  3. Create a Notification Template.

Note: The notification for uploaded documents must be enabled in the user account settings.

Navigate to the Account Administration
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Navigate to Applications Applications.png > Account Administration.
Associate a Notification Template with a Document Type
  1. Click Administration > Documents Module on the left menu.
  2. From the Document Types section, click Edit on the line corresponding to the document type to which you want to associate the template.
  3. On the popup window, select the relevant notification template in the list.
  4. Click Apply.


The notification template is then associated with the document type. Users with the notification for uploaded documents enabled in their settings will then receive the notification with this template each time such a document is uploaded.

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