2023/02/16 - Public REST APIs Quarterly Update: New Documentation Website

Our official API documentation website for developers has been improved to reflect a better presentation of the endpoints. However, the access link to the website remains unchanged: https://developer.financeactive.com/api.html

Now you have to select the endpoint for the expected feature in the site tree, then select the relevant version on the endpoint description page to get the corresponding documentation. We recommend that you always use the latest version available for a given endpoint when writing new software or updating existing software.


The list of APIs referred in this documentation is the comprehensive list of the public and supported APIs. Therefore, the usage of any endpoints outside of this list is deemed unsupported: these endpoints can be modified or removed without notice. Please also note that such endpoints are not expected to be certified through our QA process.

Each time a new version of one public API is published, the previous version of this API remains supported for one year, before it becomes fully deprecated and thus unsupported. There is no limit regarding the number of versions for the same API which can be supported at a given time if several versions are published throughout a short period of time.

WARNING: API deprecation announcement starting Q1 2023 / Removal Q1 2024

Here below is the list of the APIs which are deprecated in Q1 2023. However, these remain fully supported until Q1 2024. After this period, they will be removed without further notice.

  • /api/v1/system_administration/accounts
  • /api/v1/system_administration/users/me
  • /api/v1/system_administration/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}
  • /api/v1/system_administration/accounts/{accountId}/users/{userId}/permissions
  • /api/v1/system_administration/accounts/{accountId}/entities
  • /api/v1/system_administration/accounts/{accountId}/organizations/{organizationId}/entities

REMINDER: API deprecation announcement starting Q4 2022 / Removal Q4 2023

Here below is the list of the APIs which are deprecated in Q4 2022. However, these remain fully supported until Q4 2023. After this period, they will be removed without further notice.

  • /api/debt/v3/{account_code}/integrations/xml-v3
  • /api/debt/v3/{account_code}/integrations/xml-v2
  • /api/debt/v3/{account_code}/integrations/xml-v1

As a reminder, the current version of the same API is as follows: /api/debt/v3/{account_code}/integrations

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