Access a Document

The Documents application of Fairways Debt stores all your documents. You can then search, filter and sort your documents in this application.

  1. Contact your Finance Active consultant to enable the Documents application.
  2. Create a Document Type.
  3. Either Upload a Document or Add a URL to a Document or Upload a Document Using API.
Access a Document
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account and select a customer account.
  2. Navigate to Applications Applications.png > Documents.
  3. On the upper-left part of the screen, use the available filters, search area and sort options:
    • Specify the relevant filters:
      • Document Type
      • Document Source
      • Transaction Maturity

        Note: The transaction maturity filter is displayed when "Transaction (Debt & Derivatives)" is selected as the document source.

    • Use the search area to specify a document name
    • Sort documents according to specific criteria (creation date,...)
  1. On the upper-right part of the screen, select additional options, if needed:
    • Click either the thumbnail icon or the list icon to display the results accordingly
    • Click the gear icon to select the relevant metadata
  2. In the lower part of the screen, click on the name of the document to download it or access its external storage.


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