The Documents module of Fairways Debt stores all your documents. You can upload documents using API.
- Create the document type
- Create metadata
- To upload a file, translate the document in the Base64 format
Enter this command to upload a file:
curl -XPOST -v --header 'X-App-Token: Account's API-TOKEN ' --header 'content-type: application/xml' -d '
<upload xmlns=""
<name>[File name]</name>
<type>[Document type code]</type>
<key>[Metadata code]</key>
<value xsi:type="xs:[Metadata type]">[Value]</value>
<key>[Metadata code]</key>
<value xsi:type="xs:[Metadata type]">[Value]</value>
<type>[Transaction type]</type>
<id>[External reference of the transaction]</id>
[**Base64 document**]
' '[Endpoint URL of the platform]'
Enter this command to upload a document from a URL:
curl -XPOST -v --header 'X-App-Token: Account's API-TOKEN ' --header 'content-type: application/xml' -d '
<upload xmlns=""
<name>[File name]</name>
<type>[Document type code]</type>
<type>[Transaction type]</type>
<id>[External reference of the transaction]</id>
<url>[URL redirecting to the document]</doc>
' '[Endpoint URL of the platform]'
Example 1: Upload of a file
You want to upload this document:
Document Name |
Test_doc.pdf |
Document Type |
Contract |
Transaction ID External Reference |
123456 |
Metadata |
- Create a document type with the Contract code.
- Create 3 metadata:
- Code: Color, Type: Text
- Code: Year, Type: Long
- Code: VIP, Type: Boolean
- Enter this command:
curl -XPOST -v --header 'X-App-Token: Account's API-TOKEN ' --header 'content-type: application/xml' -d '
<upload xmlns=""
<value xsi:type="xs:string">Gold</value>
<value xsi:type="xs:long">2020</value>
<value xsi:type="xs:boolean">true</value>
**Base64 document**
' ''
Example 2: Upload a document from a URL
You want to upload this document:
Document Name |
Invoice_doc |
Document Type |
Invoice |
Transaction ID External Reference |
789012 |
- Create a document type with the Invoice code.
- Enter this command:
curl -XPOST -v --header 'X-App-Token: Account's API-TOKEN ' --header 'content-type: application/xml' -d '
<upload xmlns=""
' ''
Note: We recommend using the latest API version.
See also for more details. We recommend using the latest API version.