Create a Manual Loan

In Fairways Debt, manual loans are manually scheduled, i.e. not automatically processed by the platform. After creating the transaction, you should enter and manage the loan schedule manually, through a manual update or using Excel files.


Navigate to the Debt & Derivatives Application
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Navigate to Applications Applications.png > Debt & Derivatives.
Create a Manual Loan
  1. Click Add Transaction > Loan > Manual Loan.


  1. Complete the form with all relevant details.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Field Description
Transaction Reference Code

Unique reference of the transaction. Identifies the transaction in the portfolio.

Note: The reference must be unique among all the entities managed in the account.

External Reference Code Used by external systems to identify the transaction. Used when transactions are imported from or exported to another system.
Principal Principal amount of the loan.
Currency Currency of the principal amount.

Borrowing entity in the system.

Note: Only entities in the current organization can be managed by the current user.

Lender Can be either internal (an entity in the system) or external (a commercial bank).


Field Description
Trade Date Date at which the transaction has been traded. From that date, the system takes the transaction into account as an item of the portfolio.
Start Date Unadjusted start date of the transaction.
Maturity Date Unadjusted maturity date of the transaction.


Field Description

Index type.

Note: This field is only used for classification purpose: Fairways Debt does not compute the interest of manual loans, as users should manually book it.


Enter the required custom attributes, if any.

  1. Enable Show Details after Validation to automatically open the new manual loan profile once created.
  2. Click Apply to create the manual loan.


The new manual loan displays in the draft portfolio.


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