Extend an Interest Rate Swap (IRS)

In Fairways Debt, extensions increase the initial term to maturity of the transaction. You can extend a transaction at any time during its term to maturity.

Note: This procedure only applies to extendable interest rate swaps (IRS).


Navigate to the Debt & Derivatives Application
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Navigate to Applications Applications.png > Debt & Derivatives.
Extend an Interest Rate Swap (IRS)
  1. Open an extendable IRS.
  2. Navigate to Life Cycle.
  3. Click Extend.


  1. Complete the form with all relevant details.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Field Description
Trade Date Timestamp of the extension. The maturity date must be later than the trade date.
Maturity Date New maturity date of the transaction, must be later than the initial maturity date.
Extended Interest Rate New interest rate.
Premium Premium paid for the extension.
Currency Currency in which the premium is paid.
  1. Click Apply to extend the transaction.


The extension displays...


... and updates the time frame...


... and schedule.


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