Create a Notification Event

Fairways Fx enables you to send email notifications through exposures and risks. Create a notification event to define what event triggers a notification, who gets that notification and how the notification looks like.




Navigate to Notification Center
  1. Log in to your Fairways Fx account.
  2. Select an account.


  1. Navigate to Administration > Notification Center.


Create a Notification Event
  1. Click Actions > Create Event.


  1. Complete the form with all relevant details.
Field Description
Name Event name.
Description Additional details about the event.
Event Trigger Type Event triggering the notification.
Parties Associated with the Event Parties associated with the event, enabling the notification.
Template Used for the Notifications Template emailed to notify the event triggered.
User Group(s) to Notify User groups receiving the email notifying the event triggered.
  1. Click Validate.


The new notification event displays in the list.



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