Covenants in Fairways Debt are agreements specifying actions and thresholds that the borrower must perform and respect. Covenants protect lenders when borrowers do not meet their requirements.
Metrics define the measurements to meet in a covenant.
- Log in to your Fairways Debt account and select a customer account, if relevant.
- Navigate to Applications > Debt & Derivatives > Entities.
- Click the relevant entity name.
In this example, we log in to the Main City account.
- Click Metrics.
The entity metrics display.
# |
Description |
A |
Filter the metrics by status.
B |
Search for a metric by:
C |
Select the relevant scenario in the list to display the corresponding metrics. |
D |
Sort metrics. Click an item:
E |
Double-click on values of the following fields to edit the corresponding data:
The reminder feature via email notification will be available at a later date. Notes:
F |
Click the pencil icon to edit the data for the previous periods, the current period and/or the next ones on a dedicated side pane. You can also add as many rows as necessary to fill in data for future periods. |
G |
Click the clock icon to view the change history on a dedicated panel. Contact your Finance Active consultant to enable the Covenants module history beta feature. |
Metrics can also be accessed by clicking on their name in the Covenants tab on the related transaction profile.