Create a Purchase Order

A purchase order is an agreement established between a lender –usually a financial institution– and a customer. The purchase order in Fairways Debt represents an envelop of individual loans (i.e. loan orders) used for different projects requiring substantial investments. These loans are then negotiated between a lender and a borrower and submitted to a validation workflow between this lender and this borrower.



Contact your Finance Active consultant to:

  • Enable the Purchase Order transaction type
  • Associate your user with the relevant role to be able to create purchase orders


Navigate to the Debt & Derivatives Application
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Navigate to Applications Applications.png > Debt & Derivatives.


Create a Purchase Order
  1. Click Add Transaction > Facility > Purchase Order.


  1. Complete the form with all relevant details.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Field Description
Reference Code

Unique reference of the transaction. Identifies the transaction in the portfolio.

Note: The reference must be unique among all the entities managed in the account.

External Reference Code Used by external systems to identify the transaction. Used when transactions are imported from or exported to another system.
Initial Limit Maximum authorized amount for all the loans in the envelope.
Currency Reference currency.
Borrower Borrowing entity in the system.
Lender Lending entity. Can be either internal (an entity in the system) or external (a commercial bank).
Facility Type

Revolving or non-revolving.

Note: Once the purchase order is created, you cannot edit its facility type.


Field Description
Trade Date Date at which the transaction has been traded. From that date, the system takes the transaction into account as an item of the portfolio.
Start Date Unadjusted start date of the transaction.
Maturity Date  Unadjusted maturity date of the transaction.


Field Description

Name of the index used to calculate the rate value, e.g. FIXED for fixed rate.

Note: The field beside displays depending on the index selected.

Interest Rate

Fixed rate value in percentage.

Note: This field only displays for fixed indexes.

Initial Interest Rate

Initial rate of the custom index.

Note: This field only displays for the custom index.

Spread Spread (or margin) value in percentage.
Day Count Used to compute the day fraction of an interest accrual period.
Frequency Frequency of the payments.

Note: When the borrower creates a loan order in that purchase order, the loan default values pre-fill the creation form, but remain editable.


Enter the required custom attributes, if any.

  1. Enable Show Details after Validation to automatically open the new purchase order profile once created.
  2. Click Apply.


The new purchase order displays in the draft portfolio.


Note: The purchase order must be moved to the actual portfolio to allow the borrower to create loan orders in that purchase order.

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