Create an Entity

Transactions in Fairways Debt are grouped in portfolios based on the concept of organization. Organizations are logical groups of entities whose transactions need to be aggregated or managed together.

In the system, an entity is a simple legal structure that can act as a party to a transaction, and whose portfolio is managed by Fairways Debt.

Note: Only administrators can add entities to the account.


Navigate to the Account Administration
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Click Applications Applications.png > Account Administration.


Create an Entity
  1. Navigate to Account > Account Structure.
  2. Click Create Entity.
  3. Complete the form with all relevant details.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk * are mandatory.

Field Description
Name Entity name.

Unique code to identify the entity, useful for mapping purposes with external systems.

Language Language used by the entity.
Country Country where the entity is registered.
Currency Currency used by the entity for its consolidation.
  1. Click OK to create the entity.

The new entity displays.


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