Root element is the < deals > block.
Under this block, you can have either:
- a < deleteDeal > block in case of a deletion of an existing deal
- or any supported deal type block (e.g. < standardLoan >) in case of a creation or an update of an existing deal
Available Blocks under the < deals > Root Block
Block | M/O | Comments |
< deleteDeal > |
Optional | In case of a deletion of an existing deal. See Deal Deletion Block. |
< standardLoan > |
Optional | Creation/update of a standard loan. Block contents is described standardLoan. |
< subsidyLoan > |
Optional | Creation/update of a subsidy loan. Block contents is described subsidyLoan. |
< constructionLoan > |
Optional | Creation/update of a construction loan. Block contents is described in constructionLoan. |
< ongoingLoan > |
Optional | Creation/update of an ongoing loan. |
< unmanagedLoan > |
Optional | Creation/update of a manual loan. |
< vanillaSwap > |
Optional | Creation/update of an interest rate swap. Block contents is described vanillaSwap. |
< crossCurrencySwap > |
Optional | Creation/update of a cross-currency Swap. Block contents is described crossCurrencySwap. |
< swaption > |
Optional | Creation/update of a swaption. |
< overTheCounterCertificateProgramme > |
Optional | Creation/update of an OTC Certificate Program. |
< overTheCounterCertificate > |
Optional | Creation/update of an OTC Certificate. |