The Colors of the Design System

Design principles, and how to create an application that fits perfectly within the Design System ecosystem, include a color palette that comes from Finance Active's visual identity.



Color Name Hex Code


Primary #1C3966


Secondary #2EA7AA


Default #37404E


Success #4CAF50


Warning #FF8E00


Alert #ED412C


Info #008CBA


Filter #D3E4F8


Simulation #FDE3A7


Finact #B3A16E


Fairways #E95053


Insito #2EA7AA


Violet #9F1BB7


Neutral #888888




Very Light Gray #F3F3F3


Light Gray #E6E6E6




Medium Gray #6A7480


Dark Gray #37404E


Black #000000



You can use each color of the palette:

  • For texts with the .c- prefix, e.g. .c-primary.
  • For backgrounds with the .bg- prefix. The -light and -dark lighten or darken the color.




You can add a hover class on each element using a background class .bg-, i.e. .bg-hover.


See Finance Active's Design System for more details.

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