2021/02/24 - Fairways Bids Farewell to Internet Explorer 11 in August 2021

From 17 August 2021, Finance Active will stop supporting Internet Explorer 11 (IE 11).


In August 2020, Microsoft 365 apps and services announced they would no longer support IE 11 from August 2021. Finance Active will also, therefore, stop supporting IE 11 at the same time.

IE 11 will keep existing beyond August 2021, but you may no longer experience the best use of our features, and our Support team will no longer be able to assist you.

It means from August 2021, we strongly advise you to switch to another browser when logging in to our platforms, including viewing the Help Centers. You can check out our System Requirements that include the list of supported browsers.


Here's a list of companies that didn't wait until August 2021 to stop supporting IE 11.

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