Detailed Debt Maturity Profile

The detailed debt maturity profile illustrates how the outstanding balance, the available amount or the committed amount are evolving over time.




Navigate to the Analysis & Reporting Application
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Navigate to Applications > Analysis & Reporting.


Generate a Detailed Debt Maturity Profile Analysis
  1. Navigate to Analyses.
  2. Click Detailed Debt Maturity Profile.


  1. Configure the analysis settings.
Field Description
Market Date Analysis date.
Currency Currency in which the analysis data displays.
Filter Refine to include relevant data in the analysis.
Time Display Display data following a period, start and end dates included.
Derivatives Include/Exclude derivative transactions.
Tags for Simulated Portfolio Filter by tag(s) applied to the simulated portfolio.
View the transactions with a future trade date.
Attribute Amount to display.
Group by Data of parties or counterparties.
Budget Budget used for borrowing requirements.


The Detailed Debt Maturity Profile analysis updates following the selected settings.




Time Display
  1. Complete the form with all the relevant details.
Field Description
Frequency Period frequency.
Start Date Start date of the period.
Year Count Period length.
  1. Click Apply to update the analysis.



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