Interest Expense

The Interest Expense analysis shows the interest amount to pay per period.




Navigate to the Analysis & Reporting Application
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
  3. Navigate to Applications > Analysis & Reporting.


Generate an Interest Expense Analysis
  1. Navigate to Analyses.
  2. Click Interest Expense.


  1. Configure the analysis settings.
Field Description
Market Date Analysis date.
Currency Currency in which the analysis data displays.
Filter Refine to include relevant data in the analysis.
Time Display Display data following a period, start and end dates included.
Fiscal Period Include/Exclude the fiscal period.
Derivatives Include/Exclude derivative transactions.
Renewal Policies Include/Exclude renewal policies.
Fees Include/Exclude fee amounts.
Tags for Simulated Portfolio Filter by tag(s) applied to the simulated portfolio.
View the transactions with a future trade date.
Market Scenario Simulate how data would look based on different values.
FX Rate Scenario Apply a simulation using custom Forex rates.


The Interest Expense analysis updates following the selected settings.




Time Display
  1. Select an analysis type:
    1. Periodic: Data of each period for a defined time frame.
Field Description
Frequency Period frequency.
Start Date Start date of the period.
Year Count Period length.


    1. Single Period: Data summary of the selected period.
Field Description
Start Date Start date (included) of the period.
End Date End date (included) of the period.


  1. Click Apply to update the analysis.


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