Configure the Dashboard

Fairways Debt dashboard is the homepage displaying all the relevant information. You are able to configure the dashboard layout and contents to meet your needs and preferences.



Navigate to the Dashboard Application
  1. Log in to your Fairways Debt account.
  2. Select a customer account.
Configure the Dashboard
  1. Click Edit to configure your dashboard.


  1. Select a dashboard layout.
  2. Drag and drop the relevant widgets to the columns.



3M IBOR Fixing History

Graph of the 3-month IBOR fixing rates.

Covenant Forecast

Overview of the covenant statuses.

Interest Expense

Interest expense analysis.

Key Indicators

Main indicators for the entire portfolio.

Note: You can select different indicators.

New Release

Link to the latest release note.

Outstanding Liabilities

Pie charts displaying outstanding liabilities by borrower and by lender.

Outstanding Liabilities by Transaction Type

Pie chart displaying outstanding liabilities by transaction type.

Principal Amortized per Year

Annual aggregate amortization excluding derivatives.

Quarterly Debt Profile

Debt maturity profile including renewals.

Risk Analysis

Overview of the financial risk analysis.

RSS Feed

Links to articles of the selected feed.

Note: Define the feed in the News Link field of the account.

Short-Term Rates

Overview of all the IBOR interest rates from 1 day to 12 months, with direct access to the market page.

Welcome Message

Welcome message to the application.

  1. Click Preview to verify the new layout.


The new layout displays, using effective data. In our example, we selected a three-column layout and five widgets.

  1. Click:
    1. Publish: To save and apply the new layout to your user only.
    2. Publish for all Users: To save and apply the new layout to all users of the account.

Note: Publish for all Users is only available for administrators. This action overrides specific layouts configured at user levels.


  1. Click OK to confirm.


The new layout applies to the dashboard.



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